Fri 03 Jan
Leaving Town Soon!😘 Dont Miss Out💋💋 . AVAILABLE NOW. Lets Play!😗😗🍒🍬🍒100 - 24
(Knoxville, incall ONLY)
⚡🅰️⚡Real 🅰⚡🅰 Sweet⚡🅰⚡Creamy 🅰 ⚡ 🅰⚡KISS 🅰⚡🅰 ⚡ Hot 🅰⚡🅰⚡TONGUE 🅰⚡BBJ 🅰 ⚡3 GIRL 🅰⚡ - 20
(Amityville, Massapequa, Islip, babylon, Hempstead, Long Island)
👯👯👯👯👯👯💋💋 NEW ARRIVAL 💋💋👯👯👯👯👯👯 SEXY Asian GIRLS 💋💋👯👯🔥UNFORGETTABLE Service🔥👯👯 - 24
(609-453-9559 AC CASINO AREA OUTCALL, Atlantic City, South Jersey)
It's The Last Days Of Summer!!! Call About My Fifty Percent Off Specials!!! - 39
(South Jersey/Philadelphia)
Miss Kiana💋💋available until 5 sunday 💋💋 Prebooks welcome💋💋 - 30
(Kitchener, Kitchener near Sunrise Center)
Miss Kiana💋💋available until 6:30 today💋💋 Prebooks welcome💋💋 - 30
(Kitchener, Kitchener near Sunrise Center)
KITCHENER 🌺🌺🌺🌺MORNING SPECIAL $40/40mins 09am-01pm🌺🌺🌺🌺 SAT & SUN All day $40/40 mins🌺🌺🌺🌺Walk in Talk - 19
(Kitchener, KITCHENER (GRAND OPENING) 💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋, London)
____ (¯`•🌟•´¯) I____DO____IT •💟✅💟• __W_A_Y __ •💟✅💟• __B_E_T_T_E_R__ (¯`•🌟•´¯) _____ - 25
(Killeen/Temple/Ft Hood, Private incall)
_ *§ u P e R _ ` ____NaUgH†Y * In†€N§iOn§ _____ - 20
(Long Island, Suffolk (Western) InCall & OutCall)
Asian Angel★ RUBS YOU RIGHT ★ or Coaches You to Be a Better Lover - 36
(Kelowna or Penticton 2504862199, Kelowna-Okanagan)
🐰💗 Sunday FunDay 🐰💗 ✨ Five Star No Rush Service 💞✨ FETISH FRIENDLY 😉😘 Last NIGHT 🐰💗 - 21
(Long Island, Westbury Incalls & Outcalls)
Bubblebutt Bunny 100 Specials In /Outcalls - 21
(Visalia / Tulare, Visalia, Tulare, Porterville, Hanford)
•★✋STOP✋•LOOKS•★• good •★• FEELS •❤• even •❤• BETTER [•★•] —— Toe CLENCHING Fun !!!! - 25
(Kansas City, South KC)
Seductive Kathryn Maya ,Blonde Babe🔝SAME NUMBER - 24
(Virginia Beach, VA BEACH (Baker RD)(Incall only ))
♥ •T•° °•O•° °•P•° ____ °•O•° °•F•° __°•T•° H °•E•° ____ °•L• °•I•° °•N•°•E• ♥ - - - - 21
(South Coast)
Upscale, petite, sexy HOT & READY the real deal!!!!! NEW - 22
(South Coast, Wrentham, N.attle, Walpole,Sharon OUT)
----New in town!!---SEXY HOT LATIN GIRL---- - 36
(South Coast, Medway, Bellingham, Franklin and Foxboro)
xOxO Mutual tOuch bOdy 2 bOdy SlLiidiinq & PerSonalL tOuch* - 24
(PrOvidenCe/WarWiCk InCalL & OutCalL, South Coast)
★ HOT & BUSTY ★ —————— Available now ——————— ★ A REAL PICTURE GIRL !! - 22
(Boston/Camb/Brook, Rt 1 PEABODY INCALL/OUTCALL)
NEW {{EbOnY}} FrE@K💋B!G b0TT0M💓 Gorge0us FacE 💓 BeautifuL B0Dy☆ MY SkiLLs R @MAZING!! 420 Friendly - 23
(Virginia Beach, In & outcalls military hwy)
o° °o♥ MY ♥o° CANDY °o♥o° SHOP °IS° OPEN °o♥o ° °o♥ - 21
(Virginia Beach, Virginia Beach VA)
★★ April Simply AMAZING! Incall SPECIALS! 100% ME! 2 Girl Specials ★ ★ - 21
Killer curves 🌸💕😘 aim to please 💦 L👀k no further 😘😍 -24 - 24
(Malboro, Worcester& surrounding areas, South Coast)
👄😘Let Me Help You Relax W/these Magical Hands🙌💆Nude Massg😜✨AM/PM🌓 - 22
(Columbus, Eastside of Columbus Reynoldsburg)
✨✨ Independent Petite Blonde Cutie✨✨ AMAZING Body 💕💕 Incall Only🏡 - 22
(Mishawaka incall, South Bend)
******* We are your ******** ULTIMATE ******** FANTASIES ******** - 23
(Ventura, SF Valley, Northridge,Granada hills)
Classy, Sexy, and Sweet! Vegas girl in town!____100% real pics - 20
(Columbus, Columbus and surrounding areas)
TopNotch Provider 💕😘 V I S I T I N G tonight O N L Y ! X O X O 💕😘 A Sexy Blonde Goddess. - 23
(Santa Cruz, SantaCruz,Capitola,Watson,SuroundingArea)
★★★✔Sweetie+✔Keiko+✔Tests Me✔+100% beautiful Asian GirL ★★ Make Your Dream Come True :::::IN/OUT - 21
(Burnaby / New Westminster, BURNABY Metrotown In / Out Call, Vancouver)
You can be my lollipop 💦looking for a passionate seductive young lady 😊😘👱🏻♀️ here i am - 22
(Downtown / West End, Richmond///vancouver, Vancouver)
★★★✔Sweetie+✔+✔Tests Me✔+100% beautiful Asian GirL★★★ Make Your Dream Come True ::::Metrotown_In/Out - 22
(Burnaby / New Westminster, Metrotown , Burnaby ___IN/OUT, Vancouver)
GRAND OPENING 💋 Beautiful Staff 🍬 Table Shower 🍒 CJ Aromatherapy 🍉 🍓 (510) 302-5845 - 21
(East Bay, 411 30th Street G2 94609 OAKLAND ⏠⎠ 🍒)
🏆BRAND NEW🏆 ✨EXOTIC EBONY💄SliMM GOODIE💦Ready 2 Play👅✨ No Regrets✨ 👍 - 21
(San Francisco, Your Place Or Mine)
🏆BRAND NEW🏆 ✨EXOTIC EBONY 💄SliMM GOODIE💦Ready 2 Play👅✨ No Regrets✨ 👍 - 21
(San Jose / South Bay, Your Place Or Mine)
TRAVELING?? Stop by for a Relaxing Massage!! ** ** Pleasure with Passion is Waiting!! - 24
💎💋▆💜 B~E~A~U~T~I~F~U~L ~💜💜~E-X-O-T-I-C 🔥💜💜~ Tall Barbie~💋~💎 AVAILABLE 💜�***OUTCallz*** - 23
(San Francisco, San Francisco and surrounding areas!)
⬛🌸🌺🌸🌺🌺▬▬ Grand Open ▬▬🌸🌺🌸🌺🌺 ⬛▬▬▬ Young Asian ▬▬▬⬛ 🌸🌺🌸🌺 (719)598-1858▬▬🌸🌺🌸🌺▬▬⬛ - 23
(3326 Austin Bluffs PKWY Colorado Springs, Colorado Springs)
Japan Town [╳╳╳╳╳╳]🍱😈➿🍱😈➿🍱😈 Ⓢexy 🅱UⓈTY [╳╳╳╳╳╳]🍱😈➿🍱😈➿🍱😈 ❸ Asian girls[╳╳╳╳╳╳]🍱😈➿🍱😈➿🍱😈U CAN PICK - 19
(San Francisco, 😈Japan Town😈➿160【2Ⓧ】unrushed—❥NURU 💋➿)
💝💝Phone : 415-523-9702💝💝 Anywhere out to you(NEW Asian GIRL) 💝💝 HOT 34D Korean 100% Real Pic 💝💝 - 22
(Anywhere out to you, San Francisco)
D 〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓 ♥ NURU ♥ 〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓 ♥ EVERYTHING ♥ 〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓 ♥ YOUNG & SEXY ♥〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓 CALL - 21
(San Francisco, 🔮—❥DOWN TOWN🔮—❥FULL SERVICE🔮—❥Union Squa)
Your Upscale Sexy Petite Freak! Cum And Get What You Desire... Sweet Wet Creamy Kitty! SF - 23
(San Francisco In/Out Calls)
☘💆Up2U 🌹Quality,Sensational Session⚘Skilled Classy Cmt Cordelia - 29
(680 junct Hwy 12& I-80 Email or Text, Fairfield, North Bay, San Francisco)
valentines special 120 all day come cherish this moment with diamond - 21
(San Francisco, whole san fransico)
(San Francisco Incall /SF Pen 0utcalls)
Tanqueray ... Come get drunk in love.. new.. special s. 216-659-8082 - 20
(Cleveland, Cleveland outcall only)
SuPper SeXxy Cutie(¯`'. ?.'´¯) NO ONE * DOES IT-:¦:-LIKE ME (¯`'.?.'´¯) SPECIALS !!! - 21
(***AiRpOrT ArEa 24Hr InCaLL)
▃▃▃ Sexy Asian Just Arrived ▃▃▃ ASIAN BEAUTY IN TOWN ▃▃▃ Outcall Only 415-523-9702 ▃▃▃ - 21
(Outcall Only, San Francisco)
💜▫ ღ*•.¸¸¸.•*¨¨* ▫ SeXx¥ ▫ All ▫ NaTuRaL ▫ Exotic OUTCALLS ღ¸.•*¨¨*•.¸¸*•.¸¸¸.• ▫💜 - 22
(San Francisco, SF and surrounding areas Outcalls!)